Pickle Street School Studio

Pickle Street School Studio is a one-room school building that has been renovated into a working art studio located in scenic Monterey Township, Michigan. Transformed into an art studio, Pickle Street offers a variety of arts and enrchment classes and workshops.


2980 134th Avenue, Hopkins, Michigan

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Watercolor, Ink, and Pastel! The Garden Gate.

with Cedar Kindy

  • One day workshop, Friday, September 17

  • 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

  • $100.00

This workshop offers a loose and interpretive approach to painting a garden scene with several mediums. Beginners and advanced adult artists will find this a fun workshop. The under painting is done in loose watercolor techniques. Next pen and ink outlines the flora taking on a more illustrative and defined look. Final accents of pastel add another layer of color and light. All supplies are included.

Due to the rise in the variant COVID I am very sorry to say that we need to go back to some safety measures. For those that are vaccinated please don’t hesitate to wear a mask if that makes you feel more secure & safe. If you have not received the vaccine a good quality mask is mandatory indoors.

Contact Pickle Street to Register

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Janet ”Cedar” Kindy has been painting for over 30 years. She is passionate about watercolor and changing it’s bad rap about being a difficult medium. Using her teaching format, anyone can paint a successful watercolor.  A graduate of the American Academy of Art in Chicago, she has studied with master watercolorists Irving Shapiro, Nita Engles,  Alvaro Castagnet, Toni Couch, and painted with Gorden MacKenzie. She has a summer painting studio in Pentwater MI, where she teaches and exhibits with Petri Gallery.  In the winter she paints and teaches in Florida. See more of her work at www.cedarkindy.com, cedarkindyartist on Instagram, or Cedar Kindy on Facebook.