with Cedar Kindy
- for Ages 10-16
- $45.00
- Time: 9:30am - 12pm
This is a great introductory class which teaches kids unique and fun techniques. While exploring the wild and wet ways of watercolor in the backgrounds, students then learn control in depicting foreground subject matter. Basic watercolor techniques are covered. The sunset over the lake will be painted step by step. The second painting will be totally creative; applying learned watercolor techniques as well as any other medium they decide to mix in All supplies are included.
Contact Pickle Street to Register
Janet ”Cedar” Kindy has been painting for over 30 years. She is passionate about watercolor and changing it’s bad rap about being a difficult medium. Using her teaching format, anyone can paint a successful watercolor. A graduate of the American Academy of Art in Chicago, she has studied with master watercolorists Irving Shapiro, Nita Engles, Alvaro Castagnet, and painted with Gorden MacKenzie. Her watercolor, “Jersey Dunes”, was a finalist in the Artists’ Magazine 2015 Annual Competition. See her work at www.cedarkindy.com.